Friday 20 May 2011

An unusual meeting

In the wake of ruckus in my life, I handled the stress quiet averagely. Although, it bogged me down, led me to the nitty-gritty’s, I managed to maneuver my way around the clutter. Somehow, the thought that the tide will change kept me moving. However, even after a year, things seemed low and pale. I started fretting, expecting impatiently for a change.

Ironically, the epitome of disappointment is always the fulcrum of change in life. The tumulecense that makes you mad, the fire that burns you up, somehow sparks those latent neurons and, soon enough there will be the emergence of certain thoughts, which eventually become the foundation stones, to the new castle you will build.

However, even a year after my jet crashed, I lay among the wreckage. I had made doom the axis upon which my life was revolving, and be it the misery or the memory, every small thought was killing me. I decided I needed out, instead of awaiting this slow painful death. I knew, it was the least I could do for myself, and thus without much contemplation, the deed was done. I was loosing my life drop by drop, each tick of the clock making the wait shorter and shorter. I had no fear, no remorse, just the impatience of a school child waiting for the last bell to ring.

And thus, drifting between dark seas, I reached the horizon. I smiled. “This is the end!” I thought. The eerie sound of the silence was almost splitting my drum. To my disappointment, I was lifted up in one strong motion. I was flying. I was riding a black cloud, for an instant I felt like as proud as Achilles. Was I the cloud? Or was I just the water drop, my mind was still vaporous.

Apprehensively, I waited. I remembered, “The end is painful” the dreaded pain was yet to start. Realization struck, the tail end is just the beginning. Unexpectedly, a blinding white light parted the darkness. Shining, piercing. My face became numb, wasn’t I already air, what could happen now? Was it going to be unbearable? The quiet was broken, I thought I could hear someone call, I couldn’t figure out anything. Were they calling for help, or were they trying to help me? Who were they? Where was I galloping? Everything was just buzzing and whizzing and then, black, mute.

Silence again. The silence that once charmed me was making me nervous. In the background, I could hear a certain voice intermittently. It stood out from the rest of them. It was deep, I would say, even commanding; yet it was soft and polite. I deciphered, perhaps a silhouette of compassion in that voice. I started waiting, training my ears to hear it. I could co-relate footsteps to the voice, he wore a pointed shoe, the stride hitting the ground only with the heel, the tip gliding over the marble floor. He was a good dancer I mustered. “Wow! ”I thought, “ a compassionate doctor who can dance, he must be cute too.”

It is true, that woman fall in love with their ears. I haven’t even seen him, yet I anticipated his arrival everyday. Somehow that one-minute gave me a purpose to spend the other twenty-four hours. I knew he would come shortly, when I heard all the other feet strut around, and then silence, then his footsteps, to match with rhythm of my pounding heart.

And then yesterday, I was still in my Dewey slumber, the rains had me so drowsy, and thus while I was just resting my brain after hours of daydreaming. I heard his voice; I thought it was part of my latest dream. He called my name. Even my name, which I detested so much, was like a Bach melody on his lips. He was asking me to open my eyes. The voice was so indescribable; it was charming, smooth and reassuring all at the same time. I mustered all the energy to squint my eyes open.

First nothing, then patterns started to make sense. I saw a blurred image, a figure, a man dressed in white overalls. The perfect embodiment of an alpha male. I felt the same flutter of new found love Yet, my sleepy eyes could hardly stay open.. I think I had a head rush for everything went blank again.

I woke up this morning, with an energy that could surpass even Hercules. my once limp soul geared up, every sinew in my body taut, I felt re-born, like a new breath in my broken body. Today after years I had a plan. I had a one-point agenda, to wait, to wait for those footsteps again.

(note : i had written this six months, and like most of my articles, never published it.. today i thought its time to set her free)

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant girl, talented writers never cease to amaze me.

    I loved the line - 'Ironically, the epitome of disappointment is always the fulcrum of change in life'. And ya, keep waiting, keep on waiting :)
